Thursday, October 19, 2006

Is Abortion Always Wrong?

Quick Aside: Alright, so no one responded to the whole Halloween thing. This leads me to believe that Halloween is a worthless "holiday" that just gives people an excuse to dress provocatively and get hammered. Sounds good to me. Besides the whole dress up thing always annoyed me.

Well, hopefully the theological quagmire posed by the title of this piece has gotten your attention. At least it might be a quagmire - depends doesn't it. You might think that there is no debate to be had. I am working on an essay that gives my opinion, but based on the people that I know humor me by frequenting this sight, I am curious as to how you all would answer this question. Is abortion always wrong? And why do you hold this view? Perhaps this might generate a bit more discussion than dinosaurs.

As always anything goes. This is a difficult issue, and one that (I would argue) Christians need to be more versed on.


Blogger Chuck said...

Yes. I think abortion is always wrong, no matter the situation. I strongly feel that if a woman does not want to have a child, she should put the kid up for adoption. I do not understand any other argument, especially ones that advocate rape as a legitimate excuse for abortion. Rape is a horrible act, and can provide severe consequences for the victim, but as hard as it may be, I feel that the woman needs to give birth and put the child up for adoption if she does not feel like she will be able to support it.
Do I have any verses to back me up on anything? Not really. I'm looking forward to reading your essay.

9:38 AM  
Blogger A Developing Integrationalist said...

I think abortion is wrong in light of Scripture, especially when you look at Jeremiah's call in the opening chapter to his book. There are a lot of
"what if's" you can think about. My hang up "what if" is if my wife was having a baby and had complications and it was her life or the baby's life. It would be hard to pick the baby. But how often does that happen? Does it even happen outside of cheesy made for tv dramas?

God is all about bringing the dead to life- we should mimic that, not do the opposite.

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Jeremy!
This is Jeremy Fruechting. I agree that it is always wrong based on the a) the sanctity of human life in the image of God and b) God's sovereignty over his creation (i.e., the creatures don't have the right to take up God's perogatives). I would allow one exception: ectopic pregnancies. From what I know about them, it's a guaranteed 2 deaths. In such a case, saving one life (the mother's) would be demanded by a. above.

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Jeremy!
This is Jeremy F. from FH. I agree that it is always wrong based on the a) the sanctity of human life in the image of God and b) God's sovereignty over his creation (i.e., the creatures don't have the right to take up God's perogatives). I would allow one exception: ectopic pregnancies. From what I know about them, it's a guaranteed 2 deaths. In such a case, saving one life (the mother's) would be demanded by a. above.

11:52 AM  

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